Jumptap has taken another of its monthly looks into mobile advertisings trend with the latest MobileSTAT report – and concluded that CTR (Click-through Rate) isnt necessarily the best indicator of an ads success.
Comparing data from 10 major gaming advertisers in May showed that high CTR doesnt always lead to a high conversion rate or purchase intent. One of the advertisers examined generated a CTR 41 per cent below average, but pulled in a click-to conversion rate of 231 per cent above average – while another advertisers CTR hit an impressive 177 per cent above average, but still saw a click-to conversion rate 44 per cent below average.
The same appears to be true of the CPG and automotive industries, where Jumptap compared campaign CTR to the lift advertisers saw in purchase intent, based on post-campaign brand research, and found no strong correllation between the two.
“While CTR is a widely used metric in both online and mobile advertising, it is at best a narrow predictor success,” says Jumptap CMO Paran Johar. “The most insightful advertisers consider all factors, including click-to conversion rates and brand metrics such as purchase intent, message recall, and brand performance, depending on their marketing objectives.”