Home Office Turns to Mobile for Anti-Knife Campaign
- Tuesday, March 10th, 2009
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Digital agency Saint at RKCR/Y&R and Mobile Interactive Group (MIG)
have created a viral mobile application for the Home Offices It
Doesnt Have To Happen anti-knife crime campaign, which enables users
to engage with the app, and then send it on to their friends. Pocket
Beatz consists of a mobile music studio where users can play a range
of beats, synths and loops to create mini tracks which can be recorded
and played back.
Adding to an already wide mix of communication
channels targeting 11 to 16 year olds, Pocket Beatz, which will be
downloadable from the campaigns social networking website, offers a
viral function that automatically links to the users address book in
the phone, allowing them to select unlimited friends and forward
content. Its technology not only increases the potential reach of the
campaign but also enables full campaign tracking identification and
reward of key brand advocates. It also creates a clean database of
users at whom future campaigns can be targeted.
Pocket Beatz
will be distributed via youth-targeted media on youth-focused mobile
portals, as well as Bluetooth promotions in suitable locations
throughout the UK.
Mobile is clearly a key channel for targeting a
youth demographic and those who might be affected by knife crime;
therefore continuing to spread the It Doesnt Have To Happen campaign
message via the mobile device is a natural move for us, says
RKCR/Y&R Deputy Chairman, Tony Harris. Highlighting music as a
positive alternative to knife crime, in launching Pocket Beatz we hope
to further engage an already strong online community, and enable young
people to connect with the issue in ways most relevant to them.