IAB in Mobile Push

Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) CEO Guy Phillipson says the organisation is making a big effort to convince advertisers to use mobile during 2012.

Speaking at an Executive Breakfast event organised by digital recruitment firm Propel this morning, Phillipson said: “Our ambition is to get mobile on the agenda of every marketer in the UK, as we did with online, and I think it will be, very soon…As sure as night follows day, it will happen, as it has with online.”

Phillipson also revealed that, starting this year, the IAB will release mobile ad spend figures twice yearly, rather than annually, as it has done to date. According to figures from the IAB and PwC, mobile ad spend in the UK was £83m in 2010, 116 per cent up on the 2009 figure of £37.6m, and Phillipson said he expects similar growth this year, telling the audience: “There is no reason to believe we will not see triple figure growth again in 2011.”