Apple has confirmed that it will launch its iAd mobile ad network in the UK and France in December, with Germany to follow in January. The platform wwill launch in Europe with iAds from L’Oréal, Renault, Louis Vuitton, Nespresso, Perrier, Unilever, Citi, Evian, LG Display, AB InBev, Turkish Airlines and Absolute Radio.
iAd, which is built into iOS 4, lets users stay within their current app while engaging with an ad, even while watching a video, playing a game or using in-ad purchase to download an app or buy iTunes content.
The Absolute Radio iAd campaign launches in December, and requires iOS 4, a free software update via iTunes 10.1 or later, and will feature across the iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4, second- and third-generation iPod Touch and iPad mobile devices. Absolute says the campaign will offer enhanced geo-targeting, premium creative and robust measurement. Absolute has been pretty active in the Smartphone app space over the past couple of years. Since its launch in October 2008 – it was previously known as Virgin Radio – Absolute has served over 1.5m app downloads of 19 different apps.
“Absolute Radio has long been a pioneer of digital innovation and has consistently been at the forefront of new creative technology,” says Absolute radio chief operating officer, Clive Dickens.“This pioneering, exclusive partnership with Apple demonstrates our continuing commitment to lead innovations in digital mobile marketing and engagement.”