Infographic: $9.93bn Lost to Mobile Ad Fraud Annually

Mobile ad fraud cost campaigns an estimated $9.93bn (£8.12bn) last year, roughly 10 per cent of the total spent within the mobile ad industry, through a combination of lost impressions, fraudulent clicks and post-click disappearances.

That figure comes from S4M, which analysed 87 large scale mobile campaigns and billions of ad requests to determine exactly where ad fraud was entering the system, and how marketers and ad tech firms can work to avoid it.

Among the findings from the research were that on average, only 74 per cent of impressions were viewable, 23 per cent of clicks were considered suspicious and large numbers of users never arrive on mobile sites or open apps, despite clicking on ads.

You can explore these results and more in the infographic below.

s4m ad fraud infographic