Infographic: India Dominates Social Media Week

  • Thursday, September 25th, 2014
  • Author: Tim Maytom
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Social Media Week is a media platform and worldwide event with local presence and global reach across five continents that aims to explore the hyper-connected world of social media.

As part of the week, digital consultancy Bell Pottinger Wired tracked online conversations about the events, and found that India accounted for almost 40 per cent of hashtag mentions, suggesting a huge adoption of social media by Indian organisations.

The analysis found over 120,000 conversations around Social Media Week taking place on Twitter, and in forums, blogs and news sites. Mumbai, London and Rome proved the most hashtag-happy cities, with participants using the official hashtags over 67,000 times between them.

You can find these stats and more in the infographic below.

Bell Pottinger - SMW Stats 2014