Instagram swaps ‘Made with AI’ label to ‘AI info’

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and WhatsApp, has changed how it labels social media posts suspected to be generated by AI tools.

Previously, the label read, ‘Made with AI,’ however, now it will be replaced with ‘AI Info’ to better meet people’s expectations and provide more context about the content.

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This update follows complaints from photographers concerned about the incorrect use of the ‘Made with AI’ tag on their images.

As a result, Meta recognised the need to balance the advancement of AI technology with its responsibility to ensure accurate and transparent content labelling.

Meta’s Spokesperson, Kate McLaughlin, said: “As we’ve said from the beginning, we’re consistently improving our AI products, and we are working closely with our industry partners on our approach to AI labelling.

“The new ‘AI info’ label is intended to more accurately represent content that may have been modified using AI, rather than suggesting it was entirely generated by artificial intelligence.”