Instagram introduces way to fundraise for personal causes

Instagram has begun testing another way to fundraise for a cause from within its app, similar to the fundraising feature found on its parent platform, Facebook. It builds on the ability that non-profits already have to raise funds through donation stickers on stories and donate buttons on their profiles, and how users can setup donations during Instagram Live streams.

The Personal Fundraiser feature enables anybody to raise money for a personal cause. In order to begin fundraising, users need to tap ‘Edit Profile’, ‘Add Fundraiser’, and then ‘Raise Money’. The user can then choose a photo, select a fundraising category, and add details about why they’ve chosen to fundraise for that particular cause.

All fundraisers are reviewed by Instagram to ensure they meet its criteria for an ‘eligible cause’. Each fundraiser lasts 30 days, but can be extended for additional 30-day periods if necessary.

For now, the Personal Fundraiser feature is being tested with a small number of users in the US, UK, and Ireland. Instagram plans to expand the feature within these markets and make it easier for users to share fundraisers in their feeds and stories ‘in the coming months’.