Instagram trials tapping through posts rather than scrolling

Instagram app logoInstagram has begun testing a new way for users to navigate their way through posts on its app by having it mimic the way users experience Stories.

A screenshot from Twitter user Suprateek Bose shows Instagram’s introduction to the new feature, saying: “Introducing a new way to move through posts – Tap through posts, just like you tap through stories.” The test has since been confirmed by Instagram.

“We’re always testing ways to improve the experience on Instagram and bring you closer to the people and things you love,” a spokesperson for the Facebook-owned app told TechCrunch.

Instagram has also made it clear that it is only trialling the feature within Explore and, at least for the time being, has no intentions of trialling the ‘tap through’ functionality on the main feed.

The popular app already automatically moves on from one video to another within ‘Videos You Might Like’ on Explore. But, currently, only a small number of users have access to the tap-to-advance navigation within the section.