International Student ID Card Goes Mobile

isic dmi appThe International Student Card Association (ISIC) has announced a collaboration with mobility firm DMI to launch a new mobile app for Android and iOS that will simplify the identity verification process, as well as offering personalised local discounts from over 25,000 global brands.

According to the Pew Research Center, 85 per cent of consumers aged 18 to 29 own smartphones, so taking a mobile-first approach to ID makes sense, and will reduce both card loss and theft.

The app enables easy identity verification while keeping student data secure using a two-step password authentication process, linked to the students email account, as well as enabling time-limited encrypted tokens and fingerprint authentication for newer devices.

In addition, students can access local deals for a range of global brands using an easily searchable database of offers and discounts that is available in both list and map form, with users also able to create personal lists of favourites for easy future reference.

“ISIC represent the global student community and, as such, we want to be an innovator and early adopter in facilitating the digital wallet for students,” said James Tjan, senior product manager for mobile at ISIC.

“The student demographic is embracing new mobile technologies more enthusiastically than any other age group. Offering an ISIC Mobile ID will increase convenience for our student cardholders and enable a greater range of value-added services for them to enjoy.”

“In partnership with the ISIC team, DMI took a fully user-centric approach to design, develop, test and launch the ISIC Mobile ID,” said Magnus Jern, president of DMI. “The initial results is a product that enables ISIC to engage with its users on a personal level and build member loyalty, as well as helping partnering businesses tap new revenue streams.”