Interop to Supply Safety Alerts to US Telcos

US telco MetroPCS Communications has signed up an alert messages gateway from Wireless solutions firm Interop Technologies

The companys hosted Commercial Mobile Service Provider (CMSP) Gateway will deliver public-safety emergencies alerts via SMS to MetroPCS customers, giving warnings on wildfires, tornadoes, and other important developments. 

The network operator will deploy the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) alerts when they become available in 2012. Bluegrass Cellular of Kentucky announced earlier this month that it will also rely on the hosted Interop gateway to provide CMAS service.

Interops solution, which has been designated a Certified CMSP Gateway Host by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), complies with CMAS standards in time for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) implementation deadline of April 2012. Certification eliminates the need for operators to spend time and resources conducting testing with FEMA and ensures that they can deliver Presidential, Imminent Threat, and AMBER alerts as soon as they become available. 

“Interops hosted CMSP Gateway minimises the overall investment required to comply with the voluntary CMAS initiative,” says Tony Mijares, SVP of global sales and distribution at Interop Technologies. “We are pleased to enable MetroPCS to enhance the safety of its subscribers.”