iOS Delivers Twice the CTR of Android

iPhone advertising campaigns are the clear leader in terms of clickthrough rates, according to a new report from digital advertising network MediaMind Technologies.

In a study titled Tiny Screens, Huge Results, MediaMind reviewed more than 230m mobile impressions in Q4 2010 and Q1 2011 and found that devices based on Apples iOS operating system achieved twice the performance of phones based on Googles Android operating system, and five times the performance of BlackBerry phones.

The study found that iOS campaigns achieved click-through rates of 0.37 per cent, with Android garnering rates of 0.14 per cent. Palm and BlackBerry achieved 0.09 per cent and 0.07 per cent respectively. 

The study also reported strong results for mobile in general – according to the study, mobile advertising click-through rates are nine times that of desktop banner ads. Mobile browsers garner click-through rates of 0.61 per cent, while standard browser ads achieve 0.07 per cent. 

“Mobile is proving to be one of the most financially rewarding formats in the media mix,” said Gal Trifon, president and CEO of MediaMind. “This is most likely the result of mobile ads being a new experience for many users, and that they occupy a larger portion of the screen as compared to browser ads.”

The Tiny Screen, Huge Results study also looks at consumer habits. It found that the best time for mobile ads is the evening, with the highest click-through rates reported between 8pm and 11pm. 

The full study can be downloaded here