ipsh! Brief for Mobile Complete

Mobile marketing and advertising agency ipsh! has selected Mobile Complete, which provides solutions and services aimed at improving the mobile experience, to streamline its clients mobile application delivery systems.
Mobile Complete was recently awarded Mobile Mondays Global Peer Award for Community Favourite  at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, for its outstanding innovation in mobility, from a crowded field of 21 finalists from around the world.
DeviceAnywhere, Mobile Completes flagship service, provides developers and commercial users real-time interaction with real devices connected to live networks worldwide. DeviceAnywhere allows users to create, run and monitor multiple scripts concurrently, on virtually every mobile handset available to the public – all from a single application.
“When our clients have a new branded mobile game or video as part of an integrated advertising campaign, they cant afford to sit on it for a lengthy, drawn-out testing cycle,” says ipsh! CTO and Co-founder Mike Jelley. They expect a quick time to market and the ability to test their products on a large cross section of handsets on all of the major US carriers. Mobile Complete allows us to do that, easily and efficiently.”
Mobile Complete CEO Faraz Syed adds:
“Testing a new application should never be the toughest part of mobile marketing campaign. Our users see their products performing exactly as the consumer will experience them, and thats a huge advantage when dealing with content as intricate as mobile games and video. Problems can be easily and quickly fixed before they go into the public domain.”