Iraqi Operator Turns to RoutoMessaging for Global SMS

Messaging firm RoutoMessaging has revealed that Iraqi fixed wireless voice and data provider, Itisaluna Abr Al Iraq, has begun using its global SMS services to enable subscribers to send and receive texts to and from people anywhere in the world.
Itisaluna began operations in 2008 and offers subscribers a range of products and services, including 3G and broadband, and SMS2TV, which enables users to interact with their favourite television programmes via text.
RoutoMessaging points out, however, that with more than 700 operators in more than 200 countries, the time and effort in establishing a global 2-way text messaging service could be considerable, so instead, Itisaluna has tapped into the companys termination rates with mobile operators worldwide.
Itisaluna aims to provide subscribers with the most compelling products and services on its state-of-the-art network, says Itisalune CEO, Laoy Almalaeika. Partnering with RoutoMessaging to provide customers with worldwide text coverage at competitive rates positions Itisaluna ahead of its Iraqi rivals, and augments our drive to remain the premier service provider in this country.