Island Records uses AR wall mural to promote Giggs latest album

Giggs Big Bad AR wall muralIsland Records, a UK record label owned by Universal Music Group, has teamed up with virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) production house Gate Reality and AllOver, an experiential out-of-home advertising agency, to promote the launch of UK rap artist Giggs’ new album via an AR wall mural.

The album, called ‘Big Bad…’, is being promoted using green screen footage from the album’s release video. The AR experience features a giant form of Giggs towering over the London skyline along with 3D models of helicopters and tanks, and has been designed to make it look as if Giggs is moving within the scene.  

“Big Bad… is an album of enormous ambition and arguably Giggs’s finest achievement,” said Akosua Scantlebury, urban division manager at Island Records. “The album was introduced to fans through a high energy cinematic trailer, which set the tone for the whole campaign. At Island we really wanted to match that ambition with an interactive visual that stops people in their tracks. Through collaboration with Gate Reality and AllOver, I think it is safe to say we achieved that.”

The AR wall mural promoting Big Bad is located at 28 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch, London.
