Mobile TV and radio service provider MobiTV has urged the companies involved in the current Mobile TV trials to concentrate less on the technology being used in the trials, and more on the quality of content and ease of use they offer.
MobiTV provides mobile TV and radio services to 3 and Orange in the UK, and to customers in the United States and Canada. It feels the recent annnouncements from O2/Arqiva and BT/Virgin Mobile about their trials focused too heavily on the bearer technologies, and not enough on the content.
MobiTV Europe Director of Business Development, Peter Mercier, told Mobile Marketing:
Consumers do perhaps need to know about the technology, but I am not sure that the point of consumer differentiation is going to be whether they get their Mobile TV through DAB, DVB-H, Unicast, UMTS or even wi-fi. If you can provide a useful content experience, a good channel line up and a service that looks and feels like TV, that is the point where customers will buy it and you will get mass-market take-up. How its delivered is a nice discussion for the technology providers to have, but not a point of consumer focus.
MobiTV, whch says it is platform-agnostic, says it believes that consumers will not be asked to nominate the means by which TV is delivered to their handsets but that, for a variety of commercial, network, and regulatory reasons, broadcasters and mobile network operators will take a hybrid approach, using both mobile and broadcast networks to deliver television and interactive data services to mobile devices.
BT Claims Pilot Success. Read
Mobile TV Trials and no Tribulations. Read