JICWEBS Introduces Certification for Anti-ad Fraud Practitioners

Ad-Fraud-Bot.jpgUK ad trading standards body JICWEBS has launched an initiative that enables publishers, agencies and ad tech providers to be verified as following best practice to reduce ad fraud.

Companies can sign up in order to have their processes reviewed through an independent audit, by one of a number of third parties including ABC and BPA Worldwide.

If they are able to successfully demonstrate that their processes apply JICWEBS’ Good Practice Principles for detecting and reducing ad fraud, the companies will receive a certification seal.

The first certifications are expected to be issued in Q4 2016.

Commenting on the news, Santander CMO Keith Moor said: “Advertisers’ need for greater trust in digital media is well-served by this important foundation initiative from JICWEBS and it’s one that we fully support. As a member of JICWEBS’ UK Cross-Industry Anti-Fraud Commercial Working Group, Santander has been working with other advertisers and our digital media partners to reduce the risk of exposure to ad fraud. We look forward to trading with trusted, certified companies that deliver improved transparency and can demonstrate how they protect our digital investment.”