Jott Selects Voxbone for Voicemail Task

Jott, which specializes in mobile voice-to-text applications, has selected VoIP company Voxbone to enable its new voicemail-to-text conversion service, Jott Voicemail in the US. The service saves customers time by allowing them to read (or skip) messages as emails or test messages, rather than having to listen to them, one by one. Jott Voicemail is compatible with all major US mobile operators as well as a growing number of smaller ones. 
Jott Voicemail works by enabling mobile users to forward unanswered calls to Jott (Voxbone) DID numbers, instead of defaulting to the operators voicemail. Voxbone routes the call over its managed IP network to Jotts application servers. Jotts voice-to-text technology then takes over, first recording a message and then turning the recorded voice into text, which is then delivered as an SMS or email. Jott also makes the audio file available online and via a call-in number, like traditional voicemail.
While as an outbound service, Jott can be reached by all customers with a single published phone number, the inbound voicemail depends upon assigning separate DIDs to each user. For this quantity of numbers, Jott chose to work directly with Voxbone.
Voxbone has a simple API and a flexible infrastructure for allocating phone numbers in different geographies, says Jott CEO, John Pollard. In addition, Voxbone already works well with our current application service providers. Most important, the quality of the voice files Voxbone delivers is crucial here, since the best possible audio is needed to perform both automated and human-assisted transcription.
Jotts pre-existing services are outbound variations on its core voice-to-text capability, allowing customers to dictate emails, reminders, brainstorms, Google and Outlook calendar appointments, tasks, Twitter and Facebook status updates, and other types of messages over the phone. Customers receive the messages as emails or text messages, or can view them online.