Kineto Launches Smart Wi-fi Offload Solution

Kineto Wireless, which supplies solutions that enable the delivery of mobile services over broadband, has announced a Smart Wi-fi Offload solution that it says addresses the enormous capacity and coverage challenges mobile operators face today, due to the rapid subscriber adoption of Smartphones. 
Kinetos Smart Wi-Fi Offload solution turns existing wi-fi access points into seamless extensions of a mobile operator network, enabling Smartphone users to receive all mobile services, including voice, SMS, data, IMS and web-based services, over wi-fi.
Kineto notes that currently, Smartphones only offload Internet-based services to wi-fi.  As a result, web services are catered for, while the operators own revenue-based voice, data and video services struggle for coverage. In addition, handsets are faced with additional battery drain, caused by the simultaneous use of both the cellular and wi-fi radios. This results in a disincentive for subscribers to use wi-fi, leaving the operators capacity and coverage problems unresolved. 
Kinetos Smart Wi-Fi Offload solution addresses these issues by delivering all mobile services over wi-fi  .  Because of this, the cellular radio can be turned off whenever a smartphone is connected to wi-fi, thereby eliminating the extra battery drain. Also, using wi-fi for service delivery keeps Smartphones off the cellular network, freeing up valuable spectrum for other users. 
Kineto says the solution offers a number of operator benefits. Since all services are offloaded, mobile operators can use wi-fi to address the indoor 3G coverage problems. With Smart Wi-Fi Offload, wi-fi access points worldwide can provide high-performance, low-cost cellular coverage for mobile operators primary revenue-generating services. Kineto adds that the solution can also address the mobile VoIP threat, enabling mobile operators to offer discounted or free wi-fi calling, giving subscribers an incentive to choose the operators own mobile services over VoIP alternatives.
Smartphones are driving tremendous increases in mobile data usage, straining mobile networks in the process, says Peter Jarich, Service Director with Current Analysis.  Mobile operators need to dramatically increase network capacity in short order, while meeting the performance requirements of their subscriber base. Wi-fi, installed in millions of homes and offices around the world, as well as in many Smartphones, is a natural technology choice for mobile operators to address these growing problems.
The solution consists of two products. The first is a Kineto Smart Wi-Fi application for Smartphones, the second, the Kineto Multi-Service Access Gateway, which connects to a mobile operators existing voice and data service core and securely extends all mobile services over broadband access network. It supports a wide range of interfaces, including 3GPP GAN (for Smart Wi-Fi Offload), 3GPP Home NodeB (for femtocells) and VoLGA (for voice over LTE). It is a robust, proven gateway that is already deployed in operator networks worldwide.