Lexi Sydow, Head of Insights at data.ai explains why the company recently opened up access to many of its most detailed reports for free.
We recently decided to unlock our most powerful reports, along with a new suite of metrics for free to all who sign up to our platform. It’s a radical move, designed to help our users level up their competitive analyses with more granular insights that move the needle on mobile.
As a user of data.ai’s Free Intelligence Platform, you can now discover app market trends by free downloads, paid downloads, revenue and usage metrics. You can also select the apps of your choice to see how you perform against competitors. We’re empowering users to understand their place in the market and to make direct comparisons within their competitive set.
For the first time, three of our most-sought after enterprise analysis tools and dashboards, are now available for free to everyone. They include Insights Generator, Compare Apps Report and Ratings Over Time Dashboard. Insights Generator is a tool for unearthing advanced competitive analysis around monetization, audience attention, stickiness, engagement depth and growth stage of mobile apps. The Compare Apps Report allows you to benchmark directly against your competitive set for your app’s key performance metrics. And the Ratings Over Time Dashboard enables you to understand how your (or your competitors’) ratings change over time in response to new features and app updates.
These reports allow you to gain granular insights on your apps strengths and weaknesses, as well as your competitors’. They will help you understand which apps are stickier in your target market, which have cultivated deep user engagement and which apps have employed successful monetization strategies with your target audience.
To help you stay ahead of market shifts, data.ai is now also providing our “Alerts” feature for free to all users — making it easier for you to spot rising stars, identify movers and shakers and uncover which apps are trending down in your target market. To take it a step further, you can now also save reports to “Favorites” for easy access or have them emailed to you to share amongst your team.
Benchmarking apps
In another industry-first move, we are also upleveling access to competitive benchmarking of top performing apps in Top Charts. We have unlocked 3.5 million additional daily top charts to enable you to view top apps and top SDKs by free app downloads, paid app downloads, revenue and daily active users for up to 190 countries and 46 categories.
These charts include holistic downloads and revenue ranks, unified across iOS and Google Play combined, or separated by store giving you the full picture of the mobile landscape as well as illuminating differences between the two app stores.
They also include top Daily Active User (DAU) ranking charts for all smartphone devices combined, iPhones or Android phones, so publishers can see a unified market view, or separate out devices in device-dominant regions.
You can also access the top SDKs installed on all smartphone devices across 34 SDK types, or separated by iPhones and Android phones, illuminating the tech that powers the most popular apps in your target market.
To get a view of the full digital spectrum, you can access store ranks for iOS, Google Play, Mac, Amazon and Apple TV for free downloads, paid downloads and app store revenue across all store categories.
Across all charts (downloads, revenue, DAU, SDKs) you can see rank changes from the day prior, week prior or 30 days prior — allowing you to uncover meaningful and timely shifts in consumer demand. They also make it easy to identify Rising Stars – the apps, games or SDKs that have seen the most dramatic jumps up the rankings charts, as well as those which are trending down. To keep tabs on the latest Breakout Players you can also see which apps and games are new to the top 100 or, conversely, have fallen out of the top 100 in your target market and category.
Never before has the industry had such widespread access to top charts covering the leading mobile apps, games and SDKs. data.ai goes beyond app store ranks to give unified views for downloads, revenue, active users and SDK installs, illuminating the mobile landscape with more data than ever before. It’s free, updating daily and ready to be explored: Check out data.ai’s Top Charts.
For more advanced free reports or ranks outside the top 10, and granular mobile insights to help sharpen competitive knowledge sign up here. When you register for a free account you will discover Top Companies, Top SDK’s, view leaders and stragglers by five different predefined insights, compare app performance, set up alerts, and more.