kooaba is demonstrating its prototype for live Augmented Reality (AR) on Android phones at the Mobile Monday Hands on Augmented Reality event in Zurich this evening. The demonstration starts at 1600 on the Polyterasse of ETHZurich.
kooabas prototype AR app is designed for Android handsets. Rather than relying solely on GPS and compass information, kooabas system also integrates real-time image recognition technology. This allows for recognizing and labelling objects on the phones screen with high precision. It therefore allows for augmenting both stationary objects such as building and statues, and non-stationary objects such as products, newspapers and billboards. Kooabas application is first of its kind to show such capabilities to the general public.
The prototype has been developed in close cooperation with the Computer Vision laboratory at ETH Zurich and was generously supported by the Swiss innovation promotion agency CTI and Haslerstiftung.
In a co-located event on the same day, ARDevcamp Zurich, kooaba will also make parts of its visual recognition platform available to developers for free. The platform will be accessible via an API (Application Programming Interface) after signing up online. This will give developers around the world access to advanced image recognition tools in order to develop innovative applications.