Kumulos teams up with Beaconstac for easy proximity marketing using beacons

Kumulos BeaconstacMobile app performance management platform Kumulos is partnering with Beaconstac, which provides proximity marketing using beacons, NFC, and QR codes, to give mobile app developers a way to easily provide their app clients with proximity marketing.

Through the partnership, mobile app developers are able to pick a precise location, so, whenever someone enter, exits or lingers within a geofence, a notification is triggered on the user’s device. Kumulos’ Geofence technology is also able to send messages to any within a geofence immediately or with a preset delay, and can be used in conjunction with Kumulos Segments and Channels to send different messages to different customers who enter the same geofence and/or are near to a Beaconstac beacon.

“There’s a great fit between Kumulos and Beaconstac which really complements each other’s technologies,” said Bob Lawson, founder & director of Kumulos. “Together, we now provide developers with even more options for location triggered push notifications and proximity marketing using beacons and geo-fence technology.”

Beaconstac offers a range of Bluetooth beacons, as well as an intuitive dashboard that helps businesses and mobile app developers to create proximity-based marketing campaigns. This is used in conjunction with Kumulos’ Geofence, GPS location targeting feature, and fine-grain audience targeting.

To get going with Beaconstac on Kumulos, no additional SDKs are required. Mobile app developers simply have to buy the beacons and a subscription to the Beaconstac platform and add the beacon identifiers in the Kumulos console.

“Building proximity-based apps using Beaconstac and Kumulos is so much easier for mobile app developers and will cut the time and effort it takes to create a proximity marketing campaign,” said Ravi Pratap, co-founder & CTO at Beaconstac.
