KupiKupon and Celltick Deliver Targeted Mobile Coupons in Eastern Europe

[img_assist|nid=26322|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=143|height=150]Celltick is working with KupiKupon to provide real-time mobile coupon deals to consumers in Russia and the Ukraine, which can be redeemed directly from their smartphones.

The click-to-coupon function provided by Celltick, an mCommerce specialist, will enable KupiKupon’s daily deals customers to pay via a micro-transaction billed through their mobile operator. KupiKupon believes this solution could combat Russias historic mistrust of bank cards, with just 11m credit cards in circulation in a population of 140m. More than 45 per cent of KupiKupon shoppers made an internet purchase for the first time last year, the company said.

Celltick’s real-time coupon server will enable KupiKupon to target consumers for physical goods and services based on their location and demographic data. KupiKupon has more than 7m daily deals subscribers, operating in 50 cities in Russia along with the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Estonia.