Last Call for Papers for Mobile Marketing Live

If you have a presentation that you think deserves a place on the conference programme at Mobile Marketing Live, our new two-day conference and exhibition for the global mobile marketing business, you have just one week to tell us about it.

The first Mobile Marketing Live event will take place in London on 1 and 2 October 2012, at the Business Design Centre. We are currently putting the conference programme together, and inviting proposals from companies who feel they could add something useful to the event. Anyone interested should send a one-paragraph synopsis, outlining what their presentation would cover, by close of business Monday 12 March to

The event will incorporate a two-day conference; exhibition, with 500 square metres of exhibition space; mobile training sessions, and one-on-one meetings.

“When we talk to companies in this sector, we get a sense of frustration at some of the event that are churned out,” says Mobile Marketing publishing director, John Owen. “With our website, our print and Tablet editions, and our other events, we feel we know this space as well as anyone and can give this burgeoning industry the event it deserves. It will be a celebration of all that’s best about mobile marketing, with a conference programme designed to educate, inform and inspire.”

For full details of sponsorship and exhibition packages, please contact or T: 020 300 85375