Last Call for the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards

Last week, we announced an extension to the deadline for this year’s Effective Mobile Marketing Awards, headline-sponsored by Upstream, until 5pm UK time on Tuesday, 6 September.

This is a final reminder that that deadline is now just four days away. But if you’ve been doing great work in mobile, the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards are the perfect place to showcase it, and there is still time to enter.

Entering the Awards is free, and we welcome entries from across the globe. It’s easy too – completing the entry form should take no more than 20 minutes if you have the information to hand. We also allow video and PowerPoint submissions to support your entry, so if you already have these materials to hand, your entry may be as good as ready.

The Awards Ceremony takes place in London on 3 November. The finalists in each category will be showcased at the Ceremony. They will also be covered on, in the run up to the event, while the winners will be heavily featured in the December issue of our print edition, which is distributed globally.

For the full list of categories, and details of how to enter, head for the Awards website. To download the entry form and enter today, click here.

And for all those brands and agencies that managed to hit the original deadline, thanks for your submissions.

To find out more about how to associate your business or brand with the 2011 Effective Mobile Marketing Awards, email John Owen or call him on: +44 (0) 77696 74824