LM Technologies, which specialises in Bluetooth and wireless technology products and solutions, has launched its SIM-free, unlocked LM003 3G HSUPA USB Modem, which is compatible with Windows PCs and Macs. The device enables users to change providers at will, based on which network is providing the best coverage and pay-as-you-go mobile broadband services. It will sell for £59.99. EXpansys is one of the online retailers offering the product.
“The UK does not have many third party options for SIM-free 3G USB modems,” says Yvonne Oakley, head of LM Technologies’ Home Division. “The LM003 will now give our distributors and resellers opportunities in the mobile broadband sector which previously they did not have. Coupled with the recent news that operators will be capping data usage on contract plans, this will increase the market potential for unlocked 3G USB modems.”