Valentines Day will see the launch of an SMS service designed to help mutually attracted individuals get together – without the risk of public humiliation if one persons feelings for the other are not reciprocated.
The appropriately-named FancyU2 service enables a subscriber to register the mobile phone number of someone theyre attracted to. If two subscribers register each others number, the FancyU2 system sends them both a message confirming their mutual attraction. No action is taken by FancyU2 unless both individuals register.
Individuals subscribe by texting FANCYU2 followed by the desired number to 88010. It costs 2 to register a number, in addition to the callers existing network charges. Cancellation is made by texting FANCYU2 STOP. If a match is made, a 1 message is sent to each number confirming the mutual attraction.
The service is aimed at individuals aged 16 and over who are already known to each other, but who are unsure whether another person is attracted to them and therefore nervous of making a more direct approach. It is registered with the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act and no personal information will be disclosed to third parties unless required by law.