Madvertise Reveals UK App Shopping Trends

UK iOS app shoppers cant get enough of games, according to a new study from mobile ad agency madvertise

Teaming up with AppZapp, the App Store bargain-hunting iOS app, madvertise has conducted a study into price fluctuations on the App Store, as well as UK consumer app-buying habits. 

The top five categories of apps for iPhone users are as follows:

  1. Games (15.9 per cent)
  2. Books (11.81 per cent)
  3. Entertainment (11.12 per cent)
  4. Education (8.48 per cent)
  5. Lifestyle (7.56 per cent) 

The list is similar for the iPad:

  1. Games (18.21 per cent)
  2. Books (15.9 per cent)
  3. Education (12.71 per cent)
  4. Entertainment (8.31 per cent)
  5. Lifestyle (7.19 per cent)

In terms of price fluctuations, the study says that Friday is the best day to shop on the iOS App Store – because thats when most price reductions occur. A total of 19.58 per cent for the iPad and 18.00 per cent of app prices for the iPhone are lowered on a Friday, according to the companies. 

Most new apps are added on Wednesdays and Thursdays, with Thursday being the least bargainous day of all – iPad apps see an average 17.9 per cent price rise, while iPhone app prices rise by an average of 17.36 per cent. 

To download madvertises infographic to accompany this research, click here.