Marvellous Creates Mobile Game for Santander Launch

Following Santanders UK launch and the renaming of the Abbey and Bradford & Bingley brands last week, creative agency Marvellous has created a mobile and web game to engage users with the Santander creative device red bricks.
The game, called Red Brick, is a problem solving exercise available to play as an iPhone app, a mobile game and a Facebook widget. It challenges users to test their playing skills by moving the Santander red brick across a landscape and building a bridge. In doing so, players negotiate various obstacles and collect bonus coins as quickly as possible. The game gets progressively more difficult with each level and the aim is to achieve the highest score. Players can challenge a friend and scores can be posted to Twitter and Facebook.
This game is a clever opportunity for Santander to positively engage with consumers across social digital channels and increase awareness of the brand as a market leading banking group with a common global identity, says Marvellous CEO Jon Carney. Social channels offer a great way for brands to cut through with their message in surprising ways.
The iPhone app version of the game is available from the Apple App Store, or you can obtain the version for other phones by texting GAME to 83040. The Facebook version is available here.