Malaysian operator Maxis has deployed Roamwares mobile roaming and financial services solution, which helps subscribers track their roaming usage and avoid bill shock.
Roamware says that several other operators in the Asia-Pacific region have also deployed its services to help customers manage their roaming usage.
“Bill shocks while roaming are hurting subscriber confidence in operators and posing major customer satisfaction and loyalty challenges,” says Raja Hussain, regional vice president, South East Asia and Oceania, Roamware. “According to a recent ZDNet Online Survey, 68 per cent of APAC mobile subscribers use data services while roaming and around 87 per cent of these subscribers have experienced bill shocks.
“This can also be seen in other parts of world, with the US Federal Communications Commission indicating that that 1 in 6 mobile subscribers in the US suffers from bill shock and the EU regulating that mobile operators need to provide their subscribers a monthly cut- off limit and must send a warning to subscribers once they reach certain portions of their limit.”
Roamwares Roaming Service Controller solution allows operators to offer simplified rate plans with self-service features. The solution allows subscribers to set maximum limits for their roaming costs, receive automatic alerts, set up automatic roaming barring when liits are reached, manage barring via SMS, tracks costs, and take advantage of roaming offers and promotions.
“Bill shock is a common problem with mobile roaming subscribers globally, and one that seriously impacts trust and ultimately the subscribers relationship with their service providers,” says Dr. John Jiang, co-founder, CTO and EVP of product management at Roamware. “As a thought leader in the roaming space, Roamware is committed to working with leading operators like Maxis and other operators in APAC and around the world to offer innovative solutions that will enable them to proactively address such issues and build a stronger relationship of trust with their subscribers.”