“May We Recommend the Ringtone, Sir”

Orange UK  has signed an agreement with Xiam Technologies for the provision of its My Personal Offers System (MPOS), which will give Orange customers real-time recommendations across the Orange World Portal. MPOS will help Orange World customers to discover personalised content that is relevant to their own specific interests.
MPOS will help Orange customers to discover and consume a broad range of content and services that are both relevant and meaningful based on their unique profiles. For example a football fan could expect to be offered the FIFA 2007 game and a Chelsea FC wallpaper based on the club they follow, then be presented more subtle, unexpected recommendations based on usage patterns identified by MPOS and filtered according to individual user profiles. MPOS can recommend content across different categories and suggest content that the customer may not otherwise find.
Jim Small, Portal Relevance Manager at Orange UK says:
It is the first time our customers will be able to access a diverse range of content services through a tailored recommendations page on Orange World that is based on the intelligence we have gathered from each users previous visits. For us, it is about enhancing and personalising the customer experience, whilst increasing customer loyalty and content revenues. We believe that Xiams MPOS technology will help us do this.
Xiam CEO Colm Healy says that MPOS has been developed to address the need to treat each individual subscriber on a one-to-one basis, and that this is central to the recommendations solution, which will present individually customised content suggestions for each customer coming to the Orange portal.
Its based on the premise that in the fast moving world of mobile content, with a small densely loaded interface, helping the customer to get to the right content in an easy and efficient way is vital in providing a meaningful portal experience, says Healy.
Xiams system will provide a number of different recommendation mechanics on the Orange Portal, enabling customers to access content across all content silos, in their own personal recommendations page, irrespective of their location on the portal. This aids content discovery and navigation by linking together different but related content formats. For example a user could access ringtones, games and wallpapers from the same location.