Meffies Shortlist Unveiled

The MEF has unveiled the finalists for the eighth annual Meffys Awards. The finalists were selected over five days of live judging by experts from 40 national and industry media (including Mobile Marketing), and analyst houses. The winners will be revealed on 7 July at a gala awards dinner hosted by comedienne & author, Ruby Wax. The awards are supported by BlueVia, Buongiorno, Dolby and Vodafone.

“The Meffys provide a window into the latest global trends in the evolving mobile ecosystem,” says MEF executive director, Rimma Perelmuter. “This year’s shortlist demonstrates the rise in mobile content and commerce services that not only entertain but also enable deeper consumer engagement and monetization directly via the mobile connected device. The two new categories – Best Brand on Mobile and Best Mobile Website – highlight the growing importance of mobile as the key engagement channel for both brands and consumers.”

The 2001 shortlist is as follows:

Best Ad Campaign
Advice Group for Barilla – Ringo Digital Collection
Maxis for BMW Innovation Day
net-m for Universal Pictures “Bridesmaids” Mobile Site
The Coca Cola Company for Sprite Slam Dunk 2011
Turkcell for Akbank Mortgage Lead Generation with IVR

Best Blockbuster App
Research In Motion for BlackBerry Travel
Seat PagineGialle for PagineGialle Mobile
Skyfire for its Mobile Browser

Best Brand on Mobile
A&N Media for A&N Mobile CRM
CBS Interactive for CBS Sports Mobile
Grapple Mobile for Premier Inn Mobile
H-art for Glamour Personal Shopper
Mobile Interactive Group for PlayStation

Best Content
AKQA for Nigella Quick Collection
AKQA for Nike Training Club
CBS Interactive for 60 Minutes iPad app
CBS Interactive for CBS Sports Mobile
Hungama for Reliance Cricket Mania

Best Content Discovery & Personalisation
Gracenote for Gracenote Discover 3.0
Noise Inc/Universal Music Group for TimeWheel
Shazam for Shazam for TV
Sidebar for Sidebar Personalization Platform
TIMWE for Cinemex SMS Cinema Guide

Best Game
Electronic Arts for Dead Space iOS
NaturalMotion for Backbreaker 2: Vengeance
Playphone for Playphone Poker
PopCap Games for Bejeweled LIVE on Windows Phone 7
Two Bulls for Den Hemmekige Parken (The Secret Park)

Best Innovation in a Mobile First Market
Bubble Motion for Bubbly Voice-Blogging Service
Comviva Technologies for Banglalink mWallet
ForgetMeNot Africa for Message Optimiser
MoreMagic Solutions & Voila for T-Cash – Banking the Unbanked of Haiti
Webaroo for SMS GupShup

Best Innovative App
BSkyB for Sky News for iPad
Live360 for LiveRun Singapore
Noise Inc/Universal Music Group for TimeWheel
Onavo for their Data Shrinking App for iPhone and iPad
Two Bulls for Den Hemmelige Parken (The Secret Garden)

Best Innovative Business Model
Hungama for Re.1 Store
Hungama for Uninor Unlimited Music
Hungama for Vishal & Shekhar Mobile Music Concert
LightSquared for Wholesale-only 4G-LTE Network
Orange for Cityzi Pass

Best M-Commerce Service
Eagle Eye Solutions for Karen Millen Mobile Gift Vouchers
Magus Soft for Fun Guide
mBlox and ParcelGenie for mBlox and ParcelGenie mCommerce
Movile for Mozca
Pontomobi for Multi-platform App Pão de Açúcar Delivery

Best Mobile Connected Device
Amazon for the Kindle 3G
Apple for the iPad 2
Apple for the iPhone 4
Asus for the Eee Pad Transformer
Samsung for the Galaxy SII

Best Mobile Website
CBS Interactive for
Maxis Communications for Maxis Mobile Site
Momac for Mobile Portal
Skava for
Somo for Audi Mobile Website

Best Music Service
Aspiro Music for WiMP
Hungama Mobile for Aircel MusicConnect
Omnifone for Sony’s Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity
Qatar Telecom for Backstage Mobile Music

Best Social Media Service
Hungama for Aircel MusicConnect
Handmade Mobile for Flirtomatic
Maxis for Battle of the Sexes
Myriad for Myriad Updates

Best Technology Innovation
dotMobi for goMobi
ForgetMeNot Africa for eTXT Facebook from Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
MTS for
OnStar for its Mobile App
Qualcomm for its Augmented Reality SDK Platform
Syniverse for its Mobile Video Broadcast Service

Best TV & Video Service
Aspiro for Multiplatform App by Aspiro TV
CBS Interactive for app
Orange for Cinéma Séries App
Saffron Digital for Media Hub