Meteor Selects IMImobile for Music Service

Irish mobile operator Metor has selected IMImobile to provide its subscribers with a flexible, full track music download service using IMImobiles DaVinci Music service. Subscribers are able to buy and download over 1.4 million DRM free tracks from their PC and their mobile handset and immediately share music across any device.  
Subscribers will not need to buy and download the music multiple times to listen to music on their PC, mobile handset and music device. Instead, they will be able to access music wherever they are from the PC or mobile phone and automatically receive a free WAP link to download the music from a text message on their mobile and from their Meteor Account on the PC. Subscribers will be free to copy music onto any device without any restrictions on where, when or how tracks are played.
The DaVinci Music Service is provided through flexible modular architecture that make up IMImobiles DaVinci service platform. This modular environment enables operators to enhance the user experience and create innovative services unique to their brand.  
Available immediately on over 1,500 handsets, Meteors Music Service will enable the operator  to connect with their subscribers through music, providing a user-centric experience and a rich choice of music from over 200 independent labels and mainstream labels including EMI, Sony BMG, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group.