Millennial Reveals Automotive and Travel Stats

At last weeks Mobile Masterclass events, Millennial Media presented the results of its bespoke research into how the Travel and Automotive industries are currently using mobile advertising.

According to activity on Millennials network, Travel & Tourism saw a 200 per cent grow in year-over-year spend on mobile in Q1, 2012, and was the third highest vertical by spend globally. In terms of campaign goals, Travel & Tourism advertisers were nearly twice as likely than the average to be trying to keep a sustained market presence (representing 61 per cent of campaigns, as compared to 31 per cent across all advertisers) and to drive site traffic (16 per cent, compared to 3 per cent).

Automotive, meanwhile, saw spend grow 185 per cent between 2010 and 2011, to land it in fifth place for 2011, just behind Telecommunications. Mobile Automotive users were typically younger than the average, with the 18-24 and 25-34 age groups proving particularly interested, at 27 and 28 per cent respectively.

Automotive advertisers were more likely to be promoting a product launch (36 per cent, compared with an overall average of 17 per cent) or trying to drive increased foot traffic in-store (36 per cent, compared to 10 per cent) than the average.

And if all that isnt enough, then you can download the full results, in the form of two graph-filled one sheets, below.