MMA Considers Proposed Rich Media Ad Standard
- Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
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The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is currently reviewing a proposed industry open standard for rich media advertising specifications and code across all mobile platforms and devices, writes Martin Conway.
The Open Rich Media Mobile Advertising (ORMMA) initiative was drawn up by The Weather Channel (TWC), Crisp Wireless and TringApps, with the aims of simplifying the deployment of wide-scale mobile advertising campaigns, and reducing fragmentation in the market. Digital marketing service PointRoll and mobile ad agency Jumptap are reported to be supporting the initiative.
Cameron Clayton, senior VP, mobile and digital applications at TWC, states: “[Currently], publishers and app developers need to work with numerous vendors and software development kits to run campaigns across multiple platforms and devices, which greatly limits the ability to plan large-scale mobile rich media buys.
“The mission of ORMMA is to simplify the serving of rich media ads into mobile apps by creating an open standard and industry best practices that gain contribution from, and are adopted by, leading publishers, developers and vendors.”
The MMA is expected to complete its evaluation of the initiative within the next three months.