MMA Launches Mobile Search Whitepaper

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has announced the publication of its latest educational resource; a Whitepaper on mobile search. Developed by the MMAs Mobile Search Task Force, the paper provides an overview of search on the mobile Internet, outlining how it differs from traditional web-based search, how it meets the needs of consumers, and the opportunity it provides to operators and marketers. It also discusses mobile search challenges, strategies and business models, incorporating case studies from JumpTap and Medio Systems.
The MMA Mobile Search Task Force, chaired by AOL LLC and JumpTap, came together to develop common business models, operating procedures and technology interfaces that enable operators to offer an integrated, carrier-branded mobile search experience to their subscribers, as well as help brands and content providers to monetize their opportunities in the mobile ecosystem. The Whitepaper, available to download here, was developed in collaboration with representatives from several MMA member companies.
It is just one of the MMAs extensive library of information and resources available for use, from basics such as the Mobile Marketing Industry Overview and the more advanced MMA International Journal of Mobile Marketing. The MMA also publishes guidelines on the Code of Conduct, Consumer Best Practices and Mobile Advertising, the latter due for re-release in October this year following a period of public comment. All resources are available for download here.