The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has released a Whitepaper on mobile applications. Developed collaboratively by MMA members ScreenTonic, Unkasoft Advergaming, Vodafone Group Service and Yahoo!, within the MMA Mobile Advertising Committee, the paper provides an overview of the mobile applications available to advertisers and the key considerations for optimizing both campaign effectiveness and the overall user experience.
The paper also describes the major types of mobile applications in use today, including social networking, games, multimedia, maps and directory services in terms of their technical features and requirements, and the opportunities that they create for advertisers, agencies, mobile operators and application developers.
aTopics covered by the Whitepaper include in-game advertising; ad unit types, including banners, tagged ads and full-page ads; application connectivity types, including intermittently and non-connected applications; ad serving, targeting and rendering; response options; and success drivers.
The Whitepaper is part of the MMAs extensive library of information and resources, from specific topics such as Mobile Search to basics such as the Mobile Marketing Industry Overview and the more advanced MMA International Journal of Mobile Marketing. The MMA also publishes guidelines on Conduct, Consumer Best Practices and Mobile Advertising, due for re-release in October this year following a period of public comment. These are all available to download here. The mobile applications Whitepaper is available to download here.