ironSource launches LevelPlay in-app bidding solution

A smartphones homescreen displaying the apps installedApp monetization firm ironSource has launched its in-app bidding solution, LevelPlay.  Its the equivalent of a header bidding solution for the web, as opposed to the firms existing waterfall solution, but ironSource chooses not to use the term “header bidding” as, strictly speaking, apps dont have an equivalent to the header on a web page.

The company said LevelPlay will empower developers to seamlessly transition to an in-app bidding environment to increase competition over their inventory and maximize yield and revenue.

Ad networks supported at launch include AdColony, Tapjoy, and ironSource, with other networks in the process of integration. Companies already live with LevelPlay include Amanotes, Playgendary, Random Logic, Ilyon, Rollic and Gismart.

“2019 is the year of in-app bidding, and we’ve seen the industry take great strides in technological readiness and adoption,” said Nimrod Zuta, VP product developer solutions at ironSource. “We’re excited to be launching our solution at a time when the industry is primed to enjoy the benefits of in-app bidding, and to debut a product which is built from the ground up with the needs of a game developer constantly at the forefront”.

LevelPlay is custom-built for game developers, and flattens the monetization waterfall by allowing ad networks and buyers to simultaneously bid on each available impression.

The automation of the bidding process also reduces operations overheads for developers, removing the need to create and manage an optimized waterfall with multiple instances across apps and territories.

“Running in-app bidding with ironSources mediation has been a really positive experience,” said Andrew Stone, CEO of Random Logic Games. “During the initial test, our performance significantly increased and so were opening up bidding on more and more of our apps. The operations are much smoother, saving us time, and ultimately also money, in optimizing our monetization to the maximum.”