Mobile barcode company Scanbuy says its platform processed 13m scans in Q1, 2012, a 157 per cent increase over the previous year. The ScanLife platform processed traffic from more than 5m unique users.
The figures come the latest version of the ScanLife Mobile Barcode Trend Report, covering Q1, 2012. The report analyses consumer scanning traffic and marketer adoption of both 2D barcodes (QR Codes) and UPC barcodes.
It analyzes data from over 5m ScanLife users, and thousands of unique QR Code campaigns from around the world. The 2D barcodes may have been generated on the ScanLife Platform, or from third party generators. The 2D barcode scanning traffic may have come from either the ScanLife app or third party apps.
The most popular QR Code marketing campaigns are delivering video, app downloads and product details, and iOS made fairly significant strides with 6 per cent growth from Q4 2011, and now drives traffic about equal to Android OS.
The Quick-service Restaurants (QSR) category made its debut in the Top 2D Campaigns by industry category, as millions of codes were distributed by some of the most popular national restaurant chains in the United States.
You can get a full copy of the report here.