Mobile Channel a Hit with Virgin Music Fans

Qwikker, which specialises in user-driven, on-location mobile content distribution, has revealed the results of its service installed at this years Virgin Mobile V-Festival.
In total, 12,410 festival goers downloaded Qwikkers Virgin Bites mobile content channel, enabling them to browse and download additional exclusive content items. The most popular download was Kasabians Empire video, which was responsible for 34% of the downloads. The company says that the results confirm that Bluetooth and the proximity-based model of distributing mobile content is a big hit with mobile consumers.
Qwikkers service enables consumers to connect and select mobile content at the point of interest through a non-intrusive, branded channel-based system. Qwikkers service takes advantage of Bluetooth to deliver rich content without network data charges, via a dedicated Bluetooth downloadable Virgin Bites mobile channel.
Based at the Chelmsford Virgin Mobile V-Festival venue, Qwikker integrated its Bluetooth  mobile content system to provide coverage across the entire festival site. Visual displays encouraged concert-goers to turn on their Bluetooth connection. Those who did were then asked, on their phone screen, if they wanted to download the Virgin Bites mobile channel. The content, which was free of charge, included ring tones and videos from Morrissey, Kasabian and The Young Knives, as well as an exclusive video film trailer of Little Miss Sunshine. 
At Virgin Mobile we are always looking at ways to enhance our customers experience says Virgin Mobile Head of Sponsorship Steve Rogan. By enabling the exclusive download of a choice of mobile content at the Virgin Mobile V-Festival, we ensured that customers could get really close to the bands interactively. The music and the fans are the most important thing after all. Qwikkers service was well received and added real value to the overall festival experience.”