Mobile Entertainment Revenues Over $65bn a Year by 2016

Annual mobile entertainment revenues will grow to more than $65bn by 2016, according to a report from Juniper Research. The growth in revenue, up from $36bn last year, will be driven by the expansion of game and infotainment apps, and a burgeoning consumer Tablet market.

“For applications such as streamed TV, multiplayer gaming or casino gambling, tablets offer a richer, more immersive experience than smartphones,” says report author and Juniper research director Windsor Holden. “This is already translating into markedly higher usage – and consumer spend – on selected apps within these areas.”

While the future appears to be bright for mobile entertainment overall, some sectors will fare less well, Juniper says. The report points to the music sector as an example, where growth in streaming subscriptions and full-track downloads has been offset by the continuing decline in ringtones. By 2016, the sector as a whole is expected to be worth just 80 per cent of its peak value in 2008.

You can download the Mobile Entertainment Strategies report in full here, along with an accompanying free whitepaper, Now Thats Entertainment, available here.