Mobile Gamers Do It On Multiple Devices

Mobile users in Europe and the US are using multiple devices to play games on the mobile web, according to the results of a January 2011 survey of 10,000 social gamers on the itsmy game world mobile web gaming network.

45 per cent of gamers in the US and Europe use two different devices for playing the same mobile web games, in comparison to 38 per cent who use only their mobile device to play social games. 10 per cent of respondents said they play social games on four or more different devices, such as a mobile phone, PC, gaming console, tablet and TV.

“2011 will be the year of cross-device and browser gaming,” says itsmy CEO, Antonio Vince Staybl. “The mobile phone is still the first device to play our social games, but netbooks, gaming consoles, iPods and tablets are catching up rapidly. And for the first time we have Internet TV showing up in the gaming statistics.”

itsmy offers more than 100 free-to-play games on the mobile web, with a single sign-on across all internet devices. The mobile games are played by gamers from more than 80 countries daily on the mobile web on itsmy and Facebook.