Mobile Marketing in The Guardian

If you find yourself near a UK newsagent today, pop in and pick up a copy of The Guardian, inside which you’ll find an eCommerce supplement produced by Media Planet, featuring our own David Murphy being interviewed about the rise and rise of mCommerce.

In the interview, Murphy covers mobile-optimised sites, the growth of mobile advertising, SMS alerts, second screening, and location-based mobile couponing. There is, though, a small case of the biter bitten, as he insists that at no point during the interview did he ever say it was early days for Shazam, as he is quoted as saying in the article.

“We discussed the ability to Shazam TV ads, which is in its infancy, and I think the interviewer thought I meant the app itself was in its infancy, which, given that it launched in 2002 and has somewhere in excess of 200m users, it clearly isn’t,” said Murphy. “In fact, I remember using the service when you had to dial 2580 to use it, back in the days when phones just had 10 alphanumeric keys.”

Other than this, however, and the fact that Mobile Marketing Live, which the interview was intended to subtly plug, didn’t get a mention, the article can be considered a triumph.


Speaking of Mobile Marketing Live – why not join us at Londons Business Design Centre on 1-2 October, for our new two-day conference, exhibition and networking event? You can grab your free exhibitions tickets – or book for the conference – by clicking here.