Mobile Pushing eBays Fastest Growth since 2007

eBay has reported strong results for Q3, 2012, with revenues increasing 15 per cent to $3.4bn (£2.1bn) – and it looks like a lot of that is down to mobile.

The 800,000 new users which came from mobile during the quarter helped push active user growth to 10 per cent year-on-year, the highest its been since 2007. This in turn helped boost the growth of items sold, up 19 per cent year-on-year, with eBay again pointing to mobiles growth as a channel as one of the key drivers.

“Mobile continues to be a game changer for us, and we continue to be a clear leader in mCommerce and mobile payments,” said eBay president and CEO John Donahoe. “With our strong portfolio and global reach, we are consistently demonstrating our capabilities to help consumers shop anytime, anywhere. And we are enabling retailers of all sizes to compete in a rapidly evolving, multichannel commerce environment.”

eBay also announced that downloads of its apps have surpassed 100m globally.