Mobile Self-service a Hit, says Nuance

Nuance Communications has released the results of independent consumer research that reveals a huge consumer appetite for customer service delivered directly on the mobile handset. In a representative survey in Spain, consumers were asked to trial Nuance Mobile Care, which enables customers to resolve common customer enquiries directly on their mobile handset instead of calling a contact centre. Over half of respondents (59%) said that mobile handset self-service would be their preferred channel, compared with 34% who  would choose to deal with a customer service agent and 1% who favour web self-service.
The study, carried out by marketing insight consultancy Added Value, found that users felt more positive about the brand providing the mobile care service. They perceived it to be a reliable company that provides good customer service, and develops the best solutions for its customers, as well as being one that helps make customers lives easier.
With less than 1% of respondents needing customer service help when using Nuance Mobile Care for the first time, says Nuance, the survey illustrates how easy the application is to use. This was a major advantage over an alternative mobile handset self-service application that was also tested as part of the research. According to Nuance 66% of users were unable to successfully launch this second application without assistance. 
With increasingly time-pressured lifestyles, solving service issues quickly and efficiently is of utmost importance to mobile phone consumers, says Added Value Associate Director, Tom Wells. In the past, this has been the preserve of speaking to a customer service agent, but this research shows that Nuance Mobile Care is a credible and preferred alternative. This positive customer experience has the potential not only to increase overall customer service satisfaction, but also enhance the reputation of the network provider who implements Nuance Mobile Care.
Nuance Mobile Care helps customers to automatically resolve common problems directly on their mobile handsets, reducing overall calls to the live call centre and allowing the agents to help customers with issues that deserve their attention. Customers are able to make account enquiries and pay bills directly on their handset. Customers simply dial customer care, and instead of placing a call, the application opens automatically on the phone display.
The survey follows large-scale commercial rollouts of Nuance Mobile Care handheld self-service software with Vodafone Group, T-Mobile U.S. and MetroPCS.