Mobile Stats Report Released

Portio research has released its report, Worldwide Mobile Market Statistics 2007, which includes market sizing data, growth forecasts, market share and rankings, player profiles, and handset shipment data.
The report is made up of data collected from approximately 55 mobile markets and over 240 mobile operators worldwide. It includes statistics, forecasts and detailed analysis on the top 20 mobile markets worldwide, and in addition it contains detailed information of the top mobile operators, mobile groups and handset vendors, providing key financial and operational indicators for the financial year 20022006. The report also contains a section on the top growth markets, providing statistics and trends in the emerging wireless markets, as well as additional data covering top wireline and broadband markets. Other useful statistics include highest ARPU, highest SMS traffic, and the leading players in each region.
Worldwide mobile penetration will pass 50% in 2008, Portio notes. As mobile markets have grown bigger and faster than even the most aggressive forecasts predicted, so the search for continuing growth shifts from the mature markets of Europe, North America and the Far East, to the surging growth markets of China, the Indian sub-continent, Asia, Latin America and Africa and the Middle East. This market study looks at the worlds mobile markets and the major players within those markets to present a vast array of data, facts and figures to help with business planning, strategy, forecasting and presentations.
The report costs 1,795 for a 1-5 user PDF team licence, 2,495 for a small or medium-sized PDF company licence, or 3,995 for a large corporate PDF unlimited licence.
You can get a brochure here. And full details, including a detailed Table Of Contents here.