Training and events company IIRs Mobile TV & Video Conference takes place next week from 25 – 28 September, at the Kensington Hilton in London. Companies speaking at the event include Vodafone Global, DoCoMo Europe, O2, Virgin Mobile, BT, Movio, and a number of European operators.
The event aims to help attendees evaluate key business models and
determine their role in the broadcast TV value chain; maximise revenues
from Mobile TV and video services; optimise the design, presentation
and access to Mobile TV services to achieve a good user experience;
create compelling content for Mobile TV and video services; and develop
attractive Mobile TV and video propositions through effective pricing,
packaging and marketing.
IIR says that with the explosion in commercial Mobile TV services and trials over the past 12 months, the conference is well timed to help operators build the business case, define their strategy and untap the revenue potential of Mobile TV services.
Prices range from 895 (+VAT) for one day to 2,785 for all four.
You can get more information about the event, and download a programme here. Download a brochure here. Or register here.
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