Mobile Video Ads Have Triple the CTR of Desktop

The CTR (Click-Through Rate) of mobile video ads has more than tripled over the last year, according to data from Unrulys social video platform. The average CTR on smartphones and tablets has risen from 3.7 per cent in Q4, 2012, to 13.7 per cent in Q3, 2013.

Thats nearly three times higher than desktop, where the average CTR stands at 5.5 per cent. Its worth noting, though, that rates have also improved on desktop, up by 179.8 per cent on last year.

Meanwhile, interaction rates on mobile are up 95.5 per cent, reaching 22.7 per cent in Q3, 2013, and while replay rates have fluctuated throughout 2013, mobile is consistently 1.5x higher than desktop.

“Everyone knows that mobile video consumption is exploding,” said Matt Cooke, co-founder and CTO at Unruly. “What we’re seeing in 2013 is an increase in brands requesting mobile-only social video campaigns, with short-form video formats which are native to mobile, such as Vine and Instagram, helping to drive this growth.”