Mobile Web Shares Prime Time with TV

Mobile web browsing enjoys the same “prime time” as TV, according to data from Madvertise

The European mobile ad network says that most mobile browsing traffic is recorded between the hours of 8pm and 10pm – which is also prime time for TV viewing. 

According to Madvertise, another hot spot is 7am to 9am, when mobile internet usage reaches around 41 per cent of the highest daily traffic usage. From 4pm, usage of the mobile web gradually increases until it reaches its highest spot at 9:15pm. 

The trend is reported in Madvertises July 2011 Madreport, which sums up the companys data from its mobile network. The report forecasts that mobile ad spend in the US will reach $1.1bn (£682m) by the end of the year, while in Europe it will reach €216.9m. 

Elsewhere in the report, Madvertise reports on OS use on its ad network between February and April 2011. iOS had the majority, with 54.69 per cent, though this is 6.95 per cent down on the previous quarter. This is largely accounted for by Nokias Symbian OS, which is up by 6.72 per cent to 22.18 per cent. Android is relatively stable in second, with 27 per cent – a slight fall. 

The report can be downloaded from the Madvertise website