More Than 1 in 10 Will Buy an iPhone 4S

Despite the undoubted disappointment among Apple fans that yesterday saw only an upgrade to the iPhone4, rather than the expected launch of the iPhone 5, consumers will still switch to the iPhone 4S.

That’s the conclusion of a study carried out my mobile ad network InMobi, which surved 1,086 online between 5 and 16 September to ascertain the likely consumer take-up of an iPhone 5 versus an iPhone 4 update.

The survey found that 39 per cent of mobile users were planning to buy an iPhone 5, while for an iPhone 4S, the figure was 12 per cent. Among iPad users, the figures were 62 per cent and 325 per cent respectively, while the figures for Android users were 24 per cent and 7 per cent, and for BlackBerry users, 45 per cent and 18 per cent. (Sounds like a lot of BlackBerry users are ready to jump ship – Ed.)

“We found that more than one in 10 current mobile users were likely to purchase an iPhone 4S, with a quarter of iPad users saying that they would do so, and nearly one in five BlackBerry users,” says James Lamberti, vice president, global research & marketing at InMobi: “We anticipate that Android and RIM will lose market share, but at a much slower rate than they would have experienced should iPhone 5 have been announced. Over the last quarter, we’ve seen Apple lead the market in terms of mobile advertising impressions and we anticipate that yesterdays event will continue that trend.”

InMobi has also released details of European mobile advertising impressions across mobile devices, device-makers and operating systems for the period from 1 June to 31 August 2011.

The leading handset was the iPhone, with a 7 per cent share of impressions, followed by the iPod touch on 4.3 per cent; Samsung GT-i9000 on 4.1 per cent; the iPad on 3.7 per cent; and the HTC Desire on 2.4 per cent.
Apple also tops the handset maker chart on 20 per cent, followed by Samsung (18 per cent); Nokia (16 per cent); and HTC (9 per cent). In the OS rankings, Android leads on 27.1 per cent, followed by iOS on 19.6 per cent and Symbian on 10.7 per cent.